Probably the most challenging aspect is planning our
immunizations. Owen is definitely fearful about getting poked, and since we
need to have immunizations for Hepatitis A & B, Thyphoid and rabies this
equates to seven trips to the nurses at The Brighton Family Health Team. So far
the plan is to do one type per month, so that there are breaks in between
visits. Really the hard part is just starting,
once Owen sees that it hurts for a moment and then you’re done, we should find
visits are progressively easier.
Next is renting our house. Renting to the wrong tenants
could mean coming home to thousands of dollars of damage, plus with a pool we
have even more concerns about having responsible tenants. Thankfully our
friends at Butler Mortgage are helping with screening applicants for us. As
well getting our favourite real estate agent Lorraine O’Quinn involved in the
search is giving us some more peace of mind.
Once we get those two items taken care of I’ll feel a lot less
stressed. For now all I can do is keep checking items off our list and remind
myself that in 100 days I will be stepping out of a plane into Grenada and into
a whole new culture. I can’t wait!
I'm counting, and wondering if we are going to be ready!