We got there just as Caesar was declaring a tax on the world- hooray the beginning. I thought my mom would LOVE to stay and watch it. After all there were carols, and bible readings, right up my mom's alley.
No absolutely not! She did not want to stay to see "this"!! What was the problem? There were even live animals, it was awesome! She did not want to see white people leading a service or a choir. Now Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus were all Grenadian, so I was a bit shocked by her response. As we were walking away I asked my mom what exactly her United Church missionaries were doing that was so different than this?
I am actually really surprised the Mennonites are here, because I have trouble imagining a more Christian country than Grenada. Meetings start and often end in prayer. Religion is openly and warmly discussed in the workplace, on the street and in the news and radio. So there is really no need to convert anyone here- mission accomplished.
If anything Grenadians should be coming to Canada to convert our population back. But I think that ship has sailed, but the idea that they have more to offer us in this department is perhaps a wake up call about who has the moral authority to be missionaries.
Of course most Grenadians are also very humble and would never consider doing such a thing. They are content to praise their Lord Jesus Christ and are very tolerant of the various denominations and to a large extent other faiths.
I really admire their faith and I have learned so much about Catholicism and the Pope since moving here I feel like a more rounded person for my time here. I had not realized how separate Protestants and Catholics are in Canada, mainly because we don't discuss our faith. Apart from some Quebecois friends I have almost no Catholic friends and I really didn't realize it. I can only think of one of my mom's friends who is Catholic (love you Rosemary), so it runs in the family. In fact my grandfather once told my mom she could not marry a Catholic!!
Mrs. Douglas, Sister MaryAnn and Sister Margret have made me realize that I am really missing out, so when I get back to Canada I am going to try to expand my social circle a bit, as these three women are three of the most amazing women I know.
I also know they would have stayed to watch the nativity because God is good no matter what colour your skin or who is singing in the choir.
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