Owen had a mosquito bite on his hand which he scratched and scratched. I didn't think much of it, my legs look like I have chicken pox from all the bites and subsequent itching. Sadly Owen has inherited the yummy taste to mosquitos, and a low tolerance to bites, from me. Last week I noticed the bite was looking more like a wound and less like a mosquito bite. At the same time he developed a raspy cough.
Linda, a fellow Cuso volunteer, had been to a doctor here, so we called her for advice. The doctor she had been to also happened to be a pediatrician, so at 8:15 a.m. Brent and Aiden headed out to see Dr. Lowe. The clinic is maybe a 10 minute drive away, so they were the first ones there. Initially I was told (by the secretary) it opened at 8:30, and when they arrived they found a sign that said 8:30 and another that said 8:45. Neither was right it opened at 9:00. They were in and out within 30 minutes and a text home to find out what Owen's asthma inhaler contained.
Diagnosis. Impetigo. So a vigorous hand washing and sanitation campaign has been started! We have antibiotics and a cream for Owen. The doctors visit $80 XCD and the medications $90XCD. Which by Canadian standards is very inexpensive (less than $100 Canadian) but if you consider my salary is around $1200 XCD and my Hydro bill was $330 XCD you would quickly realize even this modest expense would be difficult to afford for many Grenadians.
Brent was really sweet and asked the pharmacist about my Chickungunya- it is really bad right now, with stairs being almost impossible to manage. It requires a shuffle to the edge and then I can ease my left leg down followed by the right. My colleagues were quite concerned about me Friday, but not so concerned that they couldn't poke a little fun too! Brother Saul was counting the stairs for me! But now I have some over the counter medication to try to relieve the joint pain so hopefully I can face stairs with confidence soon!
Here's hoping everyone will be better by the time my mom arrives in 9 days!
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